Dan Graham: The Packet-Switching Brain: A Hypothesis
Talk by Dan Graham, Dartmouth College. Given to the Redwood Center for Theoretical Neuroscience at UC Berkeley on Nov. 18, 2009.
tags: brain, neuroscience, computation, cogsci
The Packet Switching Brain.
The computer metaphor has served brain science well as a tool for comprehending neural systems. Nevertheless, we propose here that this metaphor be replaced or supplemented by a new metaphor, the "Internet metaphor," to reflect dramatic new network theoretic understandings of brain structure and function. [J Cogn Neurosci. 2010]
tags: brain, internet, computation, cogsci, AZB
The power of thinking about thinking | Matthew Taylor's blog
the importance in child development of what Peter Fonagy calls learning to ‘mentalise’ – in other words to understand others’ behaviour in terms of their emotions and ways of thinking.
tags: metacognition, cogsci, thinking
. The rest of my
are here.