Given only a small dose of oxytocin, individuals in a recent study found that their memory significantly improved. Not for historical dates, strings of digits, or bars of music, but for something much more significant: each other. (Seed)
Tired of all that mushy nonsense that comes with Valentine's Day - the schmaltzy cards, the heart-shaped box of chocolates, the earnest whispers and secret nothings? It's about time someone took a cold, harsh look at love and expose it for what it really is: chemistry. That's right, forget about magic - when you boil it down, love is nothing more than a molecular stew, sloshing around inside our skulls. Researchers have begun to identify these compounds and understand exactly what they do.
The green-eyed monster that lives in your brain: Scientists discover the jealousy lobe
Now the area of the brain which controls jealousy has been found, scientists have announced. (Mail Online)
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.
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