Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Cognitive Neuroscience Links 03/17/2009

  • Jargon or no, what has evolved to suit the requirements of grown-ups in an information-rich world is Occam's-razoresque: short sentences, simple vocabulary, logical progression. Parents who want their infants to learn language need a lot more than this. They need "motherese," that high-pitched sing-song dialect that puts everything in the third person and diminutizes it.

    tags: language, evolution, cogsci, grue

  • Forget the memory-boosting pills: In the future, powers of recall could be boosted with programs on a handheld PDA.

    tags: brain, memory, neuroethics, cogsci, grue

  • Defense attorneys are for the first time submitting a controversial next-generation lie-detection test as evidence in U.S. court.

    tags: fmri, lie-detection, neuroethics, cogsci, grue

  • Benjamin Libet’s experimental finding that decisions had in effect already been made before the conscious mind became aware of making them is both famous and controversial; now new research (published in a ‘Brief Communication’ in Nature Neuroscience by Chun Siong Soon, Marcel Brass, Hans-Jochen Heinze and John-Dylan Haynes) goes beyond it. Whereas the delay between decision and awareness detected by Libet lasted 500 milliseconds, the new research seems to show that decisions can be predicted up to ten seconds before the deciders are aware of having made up their minds. (Conscious Entities)

    tags: freewill, Libet, consciousness, neuroethics, cogsci

  • The experiments carried out by Benjamin Libet into the timing of conscious awareness (briefly described here ) have provoked, and go on provoking, a vast amount of discussion. His own theory of consciousness as a kind of field has received somewhat less attention; and the strange brain-cutting experiment he proposed to test it seems likely to remain unperformed for the foreseeable future. A large number of papers and discussions have been published: in 2004, Libet finally summarised his own account in the book 'Mind Time'. (consciousentities.com)

    tags: freewill, Libet, consciousness, mind, neuroethics, cogsci

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

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