Brain immediately recognizes transplanted hand
Amputation of a limb leads to significant reorganization of the primary somatosensory cortex, that part of the brain which processes touch- and pain-related information. The cortical region normally devoted to the amputated body part is suddenly deprived of sensory inputs, but because the adult brain is plastic, it does not lay dormant - the area assumes other functions, and begins to process sensory information from other parts of the body. (Neurophilosophy_
Finding Connections: How Do the Parts of the Brain Interact?
A novel brain-imaging technique uncovers the structural connections underlying personality, behavior and disease (Scientific American)
Our moral thermostat - why being good can give people license to misbehave
What happens when you remember a good deed, or think of yourself as a stand-up citizen? You might think that your shining self-image would reinforce the value of selflessness and make you more likely to behave morally in the future. But a new study disagrees. (Not Exactly Rocket Science)
Using False Photographs to Create False Childhood Memories
Because image-enhancing technology is readily availabl e, people are frequently exposed to doctored images. However, i n prior research on how adults can be led to report false childhood memories, subjects have typical ly been exposed to personal ized and detailed narratives describing false events. Instead, we exposed 20 subjects to a false childhood event via a fake photograph and imagery instructions.
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.
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