Testosterone-fuelled traders make higher profits
With such high stakes, it's worth remembering that traders, regardless of their intellect or experience, are as fallible as the rest of us and their brains and bodies are influenced by the same ensemble of hormones. (Not Exactly Rocket Science)
Do testosterone and oestrogen affect our attitudes to fairness, trust, risk and altruism?
the study provides a solid blow to the idea that sex hormones affect our attitudes to trust or fairness, and it reminds us yet again to be cautious about relying too heavily on correlations. (Not Exactly Rocket Science)
Are Minds Really Like Computers?
Some people use the metaphor of the mind as a computer in promoting the idea that a mind can be replicated on a computer. It’s a dubious comparison, a writer says.
Today, many psychologists, cognitive scientists and even philosophers embrace a different view of morality. In this view, moral thinking is more like aesthetics. As we look around the world, we are constantly evaluating what we see. Seeing and evaluating are not two separate processes. They are linked and basically simultaneous. (David Brooks)
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.
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